When is it better to replace rather than repair? 

The manufacturers and utilities will tell you that you should replace equipment after fifteen years.  After over 13 years of experience replacing package rooftop units (RTUs), we have determined the best time to replace RTUs is 22-27 years after installation, provided the equipment has been well maintained.  If your equipment is approaching 20 years of age, it is time to start budgeting for replacement. 

If your equipment was installed 18 years ago or later, and your HVAC contractor has told you that you need to replace a heat exchanger, compressor, or the evaporator or condenser coil, you may be better off replacing the entire asset.  Compressors, heat exchangers, and coils can cost $2,000-$6,000 on a typical rooftop unit, yet a total replacement from RTU Replacement Specialists starts at $6,500.  We will give you a quote for free and stand by our price.